Victorian Debutante's roadmap

I've been planning long and hard on how to best develop Victorian Debutante in the upcoming weeks and that's what I came up with. I hope you'll approve and support me down the road!

As you can see, the first big thing I'm planning is to release a demo for everyone who'd like to try Victorian Debutante out for free before hopefully buying the full version. This way more people will be able to check which Debutante they are! Well, not quite, it will be a demo, so there will be considerably less content and half the endings of the full version but still!

I'm currently cutting the full version down is size and revising the stories as well as working on the images to make everything better and prettier. I will upload the changes in the next update. I've learnt a lot making the first version of the game and now I'm developing a better framework for it, so the update might be big but it'll be easier to work with for me.

As you can also see, the DLC of which I've spoken already is considered in the roadmap and, quite honestly, I can't wait to share it with the world! Keep your fingers crossed for me and follow up for further updates!

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