Fixes and improvements as planned

As promised, I bring forth a list of changes and improvements. I added some cool stuff as well!

  • pictures for the first 4 stories have been improved and (probably) will stay as they are now until I add animations,
  • sounds for making a choice and progressing the story,
  • UISounds slider in case you don't enjoy the sounds mentioned above,
  • change of the colour of text when hovering over the choices and when clikcking one
  • hand-drawn cursor, I hope you'll like it as much as I do!
  • a much-needed help for finding the button to progress with the story, though I have a few more ideas on how to highlight it further, if you feel it's still unobvious

As always I'm open to your suggestions!
Stay safe and awesome!

Files 97 MB
Sep 16, 2022

Get Victorian Debutante

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