Victorian Debutante on Steam

Dear Dudes, Dudettes, and Duddos!

I have finally set up a Steam page for Victorian Debutante. It means so much to me, I don't know how to put it in words. I'm excited and for some reason very proud, even though I haven't quite released the game itself yet! I want to publish the first full version in March, preferably around the 8th, so stay tuned! I will be posting here and there but mostly on my Discord, so if you'd like to stay up to date and have a say in the development of this and any other game I make, please join!

As for now, I would whole-heartedly recommend you check out the Steam page for Victorian Debutante I have worked so hard ( has the customisation down so much better on so many levels but a girl needs to diversify, am I right) and maybe wishlist it? I would be very grateful as it helps to build general store presence for my debut!

Stay safe and awesome, I'll see you later!

Get Victorian Debutante

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